Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR)
Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) is the only method that works long-term in controlling outdoor "community" cat populations. It is also the logical, humane, and responsible thing to do. With TNR, the community cats are trapped one by one, taken to get neutered/spayed, then returned to their original location with a short recovery period. Take a look at this graphic example at
To learn more about this proven method of population control, visit the websites of the national organization, Alley Cat Allies, or the local organization, San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition (SAFCC). Take a look at this short video put together by Alley Cat Allies: Step by Step Guide: Trap-Neuter-Return.

Or, even better, attend a free, online class that you can watch in the comfort of your own home, on your own computer, at a time convenient to you! Go to the San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition link (below) to submit a request for access to the free class -
And for help setting the recommended Tru-Catch trap, check out this helpful video here.

The crisis created by growing numbers of "community" cats in the neighborhoods north of San Antonio is not going to get better on its own. It takes involvement from the entire community. Local animal organizations, like us, are collaborating to bring you the help you need to enact this humane solution.
If you are looking for outdoor cats to help you control your rodent and snake population, we do have a barn cat program. Click here for details.